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I attended my youngest daughter’s open evening at primary school
To check up on her progress discuss any other issues with minimum fuss
Her teacher appeared shook my hand smiled said hello I’m Mrs Guest
Then proceeded to speak of realpolitik high percentage groups
A recital of government statistics and league tables quickly ensued
Your little girl is bright polite good attendance pleasant attitude
I stifled my own contribution not wishing to be rude

Suddenly she closed the book shut glanced a cursory look
As if she were weighing me up
Broke with convention her big friendly eyes held my attention
Then with kindly intention asked a rhetorical question
Mr Fallon what do you do for a living?

I am an electrician I replied slightly taken aback
One bad moment away from a panic attack
I’m on the defensive as a matter of fact

Well that’s not what your daughter thinks please follow me
Presented for my inspection a wall of drawings a children’s art gallery
Pointed at one in particular said this is what she believes
Turned quickly on her heels vanished into mist

I gazed upon a picture of a spindly smiley man
White teeth red lips pink cheeks
With eyes and ears bendy arms wavy hands
Stood beside a light commercial van

Black trousers raven hair big fun sized boots
He looked kind of ugly but in a way kind of cute
Wearing a blue tee shirt with a dazzlingly bright fusion of light exploding from his heart
And behind him in the background lay a vast array of twinkling little stars

High up in the heavens a mellow yellow sun did float
Underneath this pleasant scene a child’s hand had wrote
My Dad lights up the world

Ha ha that’s me that’s who she imagines me to be
Wow what a responsibility
For a good while I stood and stared
At no such thing as impossibility
Others tell us who we are
As far as one can see

It’s fair to say that I felt a whole lot better leaving there
Than way back in the day
A white van man is who I am
Next stop the milky way